Unexplained infertility is extra distressing for couples because there is no reason found for the absence of conception. It accounts for 25% of all cases of infertility according to The Woman’s Health Council of Ireland *
It can happen to couples even after they have successfully had a baby.
Homeopathy is a treatment of the whole person, working on the physical, emotional and mental levels, to unblock, destress and rebalance.
You will find from a number of sources that the experts seem to agree on the following lifestyle tips to boost your chances:
- Maintain a healthy weight: under or overweight can delay conception.
- Cut down to 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day.
- Having regular sex, every 2 – 3 days boosts chances of conception. Having sex on the day of ovulation only is not as successful for becoming pregnant. Better to have sex from 5 days before ovulation and repeat every day or second day during the fertility window. The window is 6 days and is from 5 days before ovulation and includes the day of ovulation itself. Sperm lives for a maximum of 5 days in the female reproductive tract. The egg lives for 24 hours.
- Work out your day of ovulation. This varies from women to women and may not be when you think, particularly if you have been on the pill. You can use an ovulation kit or the Basal Body Temperature chart to track it.
- Alcohol consumption should be moderate in the woman particularly.
- The jury is still out on whether the radiation from a mobile phone in the man’s pocket or the heat generated by a laptop on a man’s lap is enough to prevent conception. However it is thought that daily hot baths or sitting in a jacuzzi daily for the man could cause problems. Boxers versus briefs seems to be an old wives tale now but many men find boxers more comfortable anyway.
- Don’t smoke.
- Diet is important. The recommended diet recommended for infertility is good for anybody wanting to get healthy or to help a person fight many diseases as well. Cut down on red meat consumption to once or twice a week. Keep up a good intake of protein in the form of eggs and fish. Up your intake of oily fish to 4 times a week. Eat whole grains such as porridge, brown pasta and brown rice, not refined grains. Consider switching to potatoes instead as a carbohydrate source as they naturally contain high levels of vitamin C and also contain potassium and vitamin B6. Eat nuts and seeds daily. Ditch the takeaways. Don’t add sugar to your drinks and step away from the cakes and ice cream which should be a treat food. Eat your own home cooked meals so you know what is going in to them and cook from scratch. Don’t use sauces from jars or packets or other convenience food as they are full of sugar and artificial preservatives/colour/flavourings. If your grandparents wouldn’t recognise the product you are putting in your trolley then don’t buy it (this doesn’t apply to root ginger, coconut milk etc, but you get the idea!). Organic ingredients are better as you avoid chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit – easier to do if you increase your intake of vegetarian dinners.
- Walk briskly every day to combat a sedentary lifestyle. We are not rocks so movement is naturally something we as a species are meant to do. Build it in to your commute to/from work, lunch hour with colleagues or evening time with your partner depending on the day.
- Destress and declutter your lifestyle! Let go of stress where ever you can. Delegate responsibility, ask for help, can you change your focus at work, reduce your working hours, work out new ways of working and living so you can relax. It’s hard to see a baby happening if you have no time or space now for yourself or your partner.
* The Woman’s Health Council – “Infertility Treatments for Women A Review of the Bio-medical Evidence” https://poliklinika-harni.hr/images/uploads/180/who-lijecenje-neplodnosti-u-zena.pdf